Reflecties: Bumper Stikkers
I'm not religious. I just love the Lord.Jesus loves you, but I'm his favorite.
Caution: Never drive faster than your angels can fly.
Backsliders jump from the lifeboat into the Titanic.
If God is your copilot then you better change places.
Stop Global Whining.
Forget world peace—visualize using your turn signal!
Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?
Your silence won't protect you.
He died to take away your sins, not your mind.
What part of "Thou Shalt Not" didn't you understand?
Thank God I'm an atheist!
"I don't question your existence." —God
My Karma ran over your Dogma.
Lord, walk beside me with your arm on my shoulder and your hand over my mouth.
Lord, save me from your followers.
Midwives help people out.
Know Sin. No God.
Know God. No Sin.
Compiled by Richard A. Kauffman | posted 07/30/2003
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